Posts in FAMILY
My Top Tips For Traveling With A Baby

I have always been a traveler. I knew once Bryce made his debut; he wasn’t going to slow me down, if anything, he would join me! In the last three months, he has been on ten flights!! He boarded his first flight right around 6 weeks, and we have been jet setting ever since. Flying with a baby can be intimidating at first, but it becomes easier the more prepared you are

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Breastfeeding is Hard, but here is how I adjusted

What a beautiful blessing it is to create life and nourish life. I am currently eight weeks postpartum, and I am excited that this week also marks Black Breastfeeding Week. Black Breastfeeding Week was created because, for over 40 years, there has been a gaping racial disparity in breastfeeding rates. So this week is to help build awareness and get other women of color thinking and speaking about breastfeeding.

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Baby Bolden Is Here

At 11:30 am on July 2nd, I woke up with pain in my stomach. I shook it off as just Braxton hicks, but as the pain increased, I knew something was up. I stood up and walked into the living room where Ernest was playing his video games. I said, "Bae, I think I am having contractions!" He advised me to lay back down and to rest and see how I felt. After I relaxed, I started to count my contractions more closely

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Farewell Baltimore

I remember in 2010 when I moved to Baltimore. I had just graduated from the University at Buffalo, and I was eager and ready to start my career with the degree I worked so hard for. I landed an internship in Baltimore at Under Armour, and for someone with a business marketing degree, this was a dream opportunity! I packed up and moved to Baltimore in the summer of 2010 to start my internship and hopefully land a full-time job

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5 Keys To Plan The Best Baby Shower

Baby Bolden will be here in less than a month and a half, and we are beyond excited! Once we found out we were having a boy, I knew exactly what the theme for our baby shower would be! Since Ernest and I are huge basketball fans, it was only right that we celebrate the newest addition to our Bolden Team with the #BabyBoldenDraftParty.

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Showing Love By Giving

The five love languages is something I became aware of last year, and once I did, it was definitely life changing for my marriage and how I interact with my husband. Knowing your spouse’s love language is major to effectively give them what they need in the relationship.

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Keeping the Love while Chasing the Dream: Balancing Marriage and Entrepreneurship

I got up from my corporate desk with tears welling up in my eyes. I tried to hold them in as I walked swiftly to the bathroom. I pushed open the door and boom, just like that, the tears rushed down my face like I opened up the floodgates. I was so incredibly torn and sad. I walked over to the bathroom sink and looked into the mirror as I cried uncontrollably. “I can’t do this anymore,”

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