It took a year, but Baby #2 came at the perfect time, here’s why.
Images By Vernon S. Davis: @VsDavisPhotography
Ahhhh!!! I am so excited to share this wonderful blessing with you all. When I tell you, this new addition is the biggest blessing of my year, it IS. So let me be a little transparent with you all. I have always wanted two kids. When we got pregnant with Aria in 2013, it was not planned. It was sort of an “oh shit moment” haha! We were just about seven months into our marriage, still figuring things out, and it was hard! But naturally, we embraced the new addition and made it all work. Aria was born a beautiful, healthy baby. She has been our greatest love and joy for the last five years. Being a mom to her has made me the woman I am today.
We knew once Aria turned about four, we would be ready to have another one. Our pregnancy with Aria happened so fast, that we automatically assumed that the same would be the case for baby number two; boy were we wrong. We started “trying” to have Baby Bolden #2 in December of 2017. YES, pretty much a full YEAR ago!
After the first two to three months of trying, it didn’t happen; I was a little surprised, but we kept going. 2018 was admittedly my busiest year, I traveled pretty much every week, and honestly, looking back on it all, it was not our time to have another baby. Even though we were working on it, using all of the apps, it just did not work. I would miss ovulation days with travel, month after month, and it just got to a point where I was growing tired, frustrated and a little sad when my period would come because I knew I wasn’t pregnant. After almost nine months of trying and not being successful, there were times where I questioned myself and our ability to have another child. I even went to the doctor and inquired if everything was ok. He advised that I was fine. I was just “missing” my ovulation dates, which I was (damn app had me all off).
I prayed on it, and God told me it would happen on his time. So I let go, put my faith in him, and stopped trying to “plan it.”
““When we show God our plans, he laughs.” ”
When our blessing came almost a year later in November 2018, it was such a happy moment for our family. We prayed for this. Once I stopped overthinking the process and simply started trusting that it will happen when it is our time, it happened!
“I am now such a firm believer that things will happen when it is your TIME.”
Again, looking back at it now, I am so happy to be pregnant in this season of my life. This is my elevate season, as you all know from my last blog post. And this is the year that God will continuously bless my family and me and elevate us with more. This baby is my joy already.
If you are trying to get pregnant and it is becoming increasingly hard, or frustrating, stay patient my love. I completely understand the feeling but trust that it all will happen precisely when it is supposed to, and it will be the most significant, and most beautiful life-changing moment of your life.
I am so excited for this new journey, I pray it continues to be a good pregnancy, and I am so grateful to be able to share this moment with you.
Stay tuned for the next blog post coming tomorrow, I will be sharing how I am doing, and how I managed to stay pretty consistent in my business during these last seventeen weeks . #BossMomOfTwo
With Love, Passion, and STYLE,
Outfit Details
Dress: Windsor Store
Shoes: Jessica Simpson
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