I remember hopping off a flight after being a part of one of the biggest campaigns of my life only to have to rush home on a red-eye so that I could get my daughter to school on time, greet my husband and get to work that morning. I was exhausted, and beyond my breaking point. I have been working so hard to balance both my corporate career, and my passion that it was really starting to wear me down. As I sat at my cubicle prepping my day, I felt a surge of mixed emotions: fear, joy and excitement pour over me. I knew it was time for me to really leap and make the next step in my career. I ran to the bathroom, called my husband, holding back tears, I asked him “Do you believe in me?” He replied, “Of course, I do!” His support combined with my intuition and gut feeling was enough for me to leave my 9-to-5 corporate job and bet on myself. I put in my notice to my management team and the rest is history!