I am sharing all of the “Tea” on how I am ELEVATING my 2019


Images By Vernon S. Davis: @VsDavisPhotography

I just turned 31 this past week, and every year I have a new word or theme that will describe my year. Last year, my theme was “BOSSed UP." I chose that theme because I wanted to really take hold of entrepreneurship for a full year and set myself up for success. I am thrilled to say I accomplished that, making 2018  my best year financially. I received many blessings and opportunities and I am so grateful for how I finished the year.

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As I begin my 31st year, this year’s theme is all about ELEVATING. I  chose the word elevate as my motto for this year because I never want to get to a point where I am just complacent with where I am. In order to continue to do better and be better, I have to push myself and do things I haven’t done, or frankly was scared to do. I have to operate on a “no excuse” mentality and demand more for myself. Since I had one heck of a year last year, I took December and January to fully recharge, reflect, and figure out my next steps- and here we are. Ready to Elevate!


New Branding, New Website
I had my last website for two years, and I loved it , but I knew I wanted it to be better and give it a fresh look. I also wanted to refocus it and move away from a "blog." I am no longer considering myself a blogger per se because I feel that I am so much more. I don't want to box myself or my website into a "blog." My website will be my home, and I wanted it to reflect more of who I am as a BRAND. This new site will share more about me -  who I am as a business owner, entrepreneur, speaker, host and women's empowerment leader. Look around, I hope you love my new site  as much as I do! It has been a labor of love for some time now!


Launching something BIG
As I elevate my brand, one of my key focuses for this year is to develop and start my beauty brand, which will be my skincare line. Eeekkkk!! This is my first time sharing that to you all. I am so nervous and excited, but this is something I have been conceptualizing and planning for a long time now. This year, you will watch it all come to life. I share this with you in the early stages, because I want you to be a part of my journey as a majority of you were with me when I took the leap and left  my 9-5. This beauty brand will be my new baby and my main focus for this year. For those who want to start a product or lifestyle brand, I want to inspire and encourage you and show that you can do it too! Launching my beauty line is a MAJOR elevation point for me. I want to be able to deliver a product that I love and that I know all of you will love too. I am so passionate about beauty products, I have done the research and planning necessary, I am ready to go for it, and I couldn’t be more excited!! 

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 The Bold Experience
Last year I had my first women’s empowerment event, and it was beyond incredible. Like OMG! If for any moment I ever doubt my purpose in this space, I will refer back to the testimonials and the images of this spectacular event. This event solidified my why and I walked away from the event so full. Over 150 women traveled near and far to be a part of it, and I will never take for granted the kind of love I received. There is a difference between being an influencer and having influence. I would choose to have influence any day. I want to continue to inspire and elevate women on a larger scale, and having my own speaking events is genuinely a part of my purpose. I want to do this even BIGGER and BETTER for November 2019, so watch out!

And that is all folks. This is some of how I will be elevating in 2019. Some parts I didn’t share, so please keep checking in and following my progress. will be sharing something big this week, and you heard it here on the blog first!! ☺ I am so excited for what is in store for this year, and I thank you, my loyal community for riding with me!


With Love, Passion, and STYLE,
