Showing Love By Giving


The five love languages is something I became aware of last year, and once I did, it was definitely life changing for my marriage and how I interact with my husband. Knowing your spouse’s love language is major to effectively give them what they need in the relationship.


If you are not aware, the five love languages are:
1.     Words of Affirmation
2.     Quality Time
3.     Receiving Gifts
4.     Acts Of Service
5.     Physical Touch


 I can honestly say receiving gifts is probably the love language we exercise the least. But it is also a love language that we do cherish. I love finding gifts that I know Ernest will love. That’s why I am so excited to partner with Reed’s Jewelers to share how we found the perfect gifts for each other to show our love.


Reeds Jewelers has such a great selection of jewelry items, it was super easy for us to pick items for each other that we knew we would love.

 Ernest picked out this amazing Swarovski Tennis Bracelet, this beautiful round diamond solitaire stud earrings, and Floral Oval Locket.  He did a great job, all of the jewelry pieces complement each other well and I can wear them both casually and for dressier occasions.

 For Ernest, I picked out this Nixon Porter Gold Black Leather watch. He has been hinting at needing a new watch, and I knew he would love this one.


I found that the best way to pick out gifts for Ernest is by simply being in tune with the things he mention and say. I keep a note in my iPhone and when I hear Ernest mention things I just keep a running tab of gift ideas. It’s not like I purchase everything on the list, but I think it’s helpful to keep notes so that when the time is right and I want to exercise my gift giving love language, I am prepared.


What is your love language, and how do you find the perfect gifts for your significant other? 

This Blog Post is sponsored by Reeds Jewelers but the opinions are all of my own.

With Love, Passion, and STYLE,