My family means the absolute world to me. I thank God every day that I can wake up to an amazing, faithful and loving husband and a daughter that is full of life, love, and joy. On this Father's Day, I reflect on how important daddy/daughter relationships are. Growing up, I was blessed to have my Dad in my life every step of the way. I am thankful that Aria too has a great Father in her life, guiding her, and showing her what it means to be treated like a princess. 

Ernest and I like to say that our Home Team is strong because it really is. We value each other, we work hard as a team and we play as ONE. I think this is the biggest reason why we have been able to keep a faithful relationship for 10 plus years. We are ONE Team. 

I am thankful for my husband and how much of an amazing Father he is. Happy Father's Day to him and all of the amazing Dads out there.


With Love, Passion & STYLE,