Dinner With Dayna- Jacksonville


I hosted my very first meet and greet in Jacksonville a few weeks ago!! I do not know what took me so long to do this. I was traveling to Jacksonville for work and I had one whole Saturaday to myself, so I thought; why not meet up with some of my BOLD women!! I put the invite out on my Instagram stories and recieved an overwhelming response! I even had some women drive 2+ hours away!! The dinner exceeded my expectations. I walked away with so many genuine friendships!


The conversation was great! We talked about anything from business, to blogging to life. It was definitely so nice having like-minded women in one room. 

My second #DinnerWithDayna will be in Baltimore on 6/23! 

If you are looking for a space to meet like-minded women, build new friendships and network, this is definitely the place for you!! Like I mentioned in my previous post, building a tribe of women is key in this industry. You can't meet like-minded women if you do not put yourself in the same room as them. I am always about connecting and networking- so creative a space like this for other women is near and dear to me!! I am so excited to get this dinner tour on and popping!! 

Thank you so all of my Jacksonville ladies that came out!! It was such a pleasure and I can't wait to come back again.

With Love, Passion & STYLE,
